internet marketing

Try to leave out abbreviations if possible. If your company is California Home Loan, make sure you get the complete spelling. If you have just, you are just making it more difficult for customers to find you. This is even more important if you want past customers to refer people to your web site. Can you imagine some customer telling a friend your mortgage web site is or instead of 

Which domain name is your customer going to better remember? If your customer can't remember, they won't be able to refer your mortgage services. Another lost customer worth thousands of dollars.

We are now coming along quite well. Your company now has a professional sounding and easily remembered domain name. But that is only one part of the recipe. Effective internet promotion and marketing still involves one major (and very difficult) factor ...getting prospective customers to your web site. Your mortgage company needs to drive large amounts of web traffic to translate into profitable sales. 


It is critical to properly "optimize" the structure of your mortgage web site for maximizing search engine relevancy. If you do not optimize your site, your web site might be sitting at the bottom of the search engine results with no customers visiting. No customers visiting new business. Your web site must be at the top of the search engine listings 

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so potential mortgage clients can find you. 

Now back again to your mortgage site. Once created, your web site design company has probably "submitted your site to over 500 various search engines". (Remember by just "submitting", you will not get a top ranking). These search engines then visit (also called "spider") your web site and indexes your information so it will "know" what your site is about.

Herein lies the problem. The search engines don't look at your beautiful web site design or the ways you have designed your online application forms. Mortgage customers look at these items, but search engines don't. Search engines look at the way your page is written, the underlying HTML source code used to create your page, and then apply a proprietary algorithm to rank your mortgage web page.

Search engines look at the "structure" of your site. This leads us back to…


In order to get your web site found, you have to create a web site structure that the search engines can read and understand. There are several basic ways to accomplishing this: the title, meta tags, domain name, alt tags, meta description and HTML content. Each search engine has its own technical algorithms for analyzing these components. (Unfortunately these algorithms are constantly changing, sometimes weekly or monthly).

 The better you design the underlying "structure" the higher ranking your web site will receive when someone searches for your mortgage services. It is literally the difference being ranked #15 versus being ranked #15,000 on the search engine results page. You can imagine the revenue differential just between a listing in the top 30 and a listing at #15,000.

In sum, the Internet is growing more important to your business every day. Your company has to compete with thousands of other Internet mortgage companies and not continue losing market share. Design your web presence not only to be visually appealing and user friendly, but also able to be favorably indexed by the search engines. Make it easy for your potential customers to find you by harnessing the power of the search engines and by having a powerful domain name. If you correctly use the marketing power of the net, you will find the Internet will become your most cost-effective salesperson. 

Robert Farris is co-founder of a leading Internet search engine management provider to the mortgage industry. offers web site promotion services, proven Internet marketing techniques and comprehensive search engine ranking strategies to mortgage brokers, bankers, and lending institutions. The company can be reached on the Web at

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